Problem solving skills have always been highly desirable but they are critical in times of uncertainty. Crisis situations have a way of shining the light on problems that are easily ignored during times of prosperity. Minor annoyances become glaring shortcomings.
Leading Under Pressure: Learn to Respond, Not React
My heart was beating so hard I thought everyone on the Zoom meeting would be able to see it. The attack came out of nowhere. I was pissed. I wanted to fight back. Faced with leading under pressure, what would
Communication to Keep Your Team Calm
Communication can be hard in the best of times. Communication in a constantly changing environment requires all the skills you can muster. In a period of uncertainty, in the age of COVID-19, good communication is more important than ever. In
Communicate Like a Boss during Crisis
Leading Like a Boss requires the ability to Communicate Like a Boss. Now, more than ever, is the time for leaders to step up their communication skills and think carefully and thoughtfully as they talk about what is going on
Delegation: Reward or Punishment?
When delegation is done right it is a positive experience for both the manager and the team member. If you delegate tasks as a way to punish people I sincerely hope you re-consider your career choice. Most leaders understand logically
Change that Sticks
Have you ever tried to implement a change only to have it fail completely? If so, you’re not alone. According to the Project Management Institute, 67% of all projects fail to get fully implemented. Where does the change fail? In
Avoid the Drama Vortex and Stop Excuses in Their Tracks
Have you ever tried to give feedback to an employee that resulted in an hour-long conversation with no resolution? If so, you may have experienced what I call the Drama Vortex. The Drama Vortex is a conversation that spirals out
5 Good Reasons to Delegate Now
We all know that good leaders delegate tasks as a tool to grow and develop their team. And we all know that managers aren’t delegating enough (Gallo, 2012). We also know that focusing on the WIIFY (What’s In It For YOU)
Respect is the Key to High-performing Teams
Have you ever worked for a leader you didn’t respect? If you have, then you know how hard it can be to stay motivated. When it comes to developing leadership excellence, earning respect is key because of the negative impacts
Overcoming Language Barriers
One day on vacation in Playa del Carmen, Mexico my husband and I were sitting outside the house we were staying at when another couple walked by and asked us a question in German. Despite 3 years of high school