When Mary started with the company, she was enthusiastic, energetic, and consistently the top sales person on the team. She got along well her co-workers and was known for her superior customer service skills. Over time something changed. Mary began
Listening to Your Team: 3 Times When You Should
Listening is a powerful leadership practice. One way to stop any complaints from your team about your listening skills is to use a participative leadership style. This is a style of leadership that actively seeks out input and ask for
Time Bandits – 3 Steps to Stop People from Stealing Your Time!
If you work remotely either part-time or full-time, temporarily or permanently, you have probably discovered that you are a lot more productive when you are not in the office. The main reason for the increase in productivity is that people
Perception is Reality: What Message Are You Sending?
Have you ever thought about the message you’re sending when you’re not saying word? It’s worth thinking about because the perception others have of you impacts trust, credibility, and influence. How you are perceived is how you are received. A
Appreciation: Catch Them in the Act!
Do you ever feel like there is way too much appreciation going on in your workplace? If you said no, you’re not alone. Your team would probably say the same thing. In fact, a Gallup study revealed that 65% of
3 Powerful Leadership Styles
Powerful leadership begins with knowing what leadership style to use and when to use it. One of the biggest challenges facing leaders today is knowing when to be decisive, when to include the group, and when to be hands-off. Faced
5 Powerful Phrases for Difficult Conversations
Do you ever come up with your best responses an hour after a difficult conversation has ended? Do you ever say to yourself “I wish I would have said…” or “I wish I wouldn’t have said…”? Do you ever get
3 Steps To Take When You Feel Taken Advantage Of
Have you ever implemented a policy only to feel taken advantage of because your team didn’t follow the guidelines? One manager recently implemented a new policy on summer hours. Her guidelines were clear: one day a week each team member
Problem Solving in the Age of COVID19
Problem solving skills have always been highly desirable but they are critical in times of uncertainty. Crisis situations have a way of shining the light on problems that are easily ignored during times of prosperity. Minor annoyances become glaring shortcomings.
Leading Under Pressure: Learn to Respond, Not React
My heart was beating so hard I thought everyone on the Zoom meeting would be able to see it. The attack came out of nowhere. I was pissed. I wanted to fight back. Faced with leading under pressure, what would