The following courses equip managers and supervisors with the communication tools they need to succeed in their role. Participants will learn through guided discussions, skill practice, group activities, and real-world application of time-tested management strategies.
Aspire to Lead
This introductory 4-week series equips new and emerging leaders with the fundamental skills for building trust and influence, interpersonal communication, training, coaching, and motivating employees – everything you need to step confidently into your leadership role.
This hands-on course delivers maximum content with a minimum time commitment. Skills are developed through group discussion, case studies, self-assessments, on-the-job application, and a weekly one-on-one coaching call with the instructor.
Create a Healthy Workplace Culture
Don’t leave your culture up to chance
Strong organizations share a common connection from top to bottom that focuses on driving the strategic vision, mission, values, and goals. The leader is responsible for driving and communicating the overall alignment of the organization. A healthy culture is developed when the connection is clear between what people are doing and why they are doing it.
- Roles and responsibilities of the connected team
- Communicate a clear road map that defines the primary purpose, mission, culture, values, and goals of the organization
- Elements to include when writing a vision and mission statement
- How to decide on meaningful core values
- 3 common reasons strategic initiatives fail to get implemented
- When and how to communicate the vision, mission, and values to your team
- Get the team to buy-in to the why behind the what
- Define a core belief system for your area of responsibility
- Identify the ‘unwritten rules’ and the impact they make
- Understand the real personality of your organization
Who should attend: Senior- to Mid-Level Managers
Productive Conflict
Harness the power of conflict by transforming destructive behavior into productive responses
This application helps each participant effectively respond to the uncomfortable and unavoidable challenges of workplace conflict by combining the personalized insights of DiSC® with the proven science of cognitive behavioral theory. Rather than focus on a step-by-step process for conflict resolution, participants gain personalized techniques to curb destructive behaviors so that conflict can become more productive, ultimately improving workplace relationships and results.
- Appreciate how their style of handling conflict affects the people around them
- Learn how to “catch” themselves when going down a destructive conflict path
- Learn how to reframe a conflict situation and choose more productive behaviors
- Build a common language in the organization around appropriate conflict behavior
Who should attend: employees at all levels
From Employee to Manager: Everything You Need to Know for a Successful Transition
Gain valuable management skills to lead with confidence
Management is not an easy job, especially when you’re new. This new role comes with extra responsibilities and challenges that you never had to deal with before. Including managing friends and former peers. All of this can add extra stress if you don’t have the tools and strategies to successfully make the transition. This session will cover everything you need to know about making the leap from employee to manager smooth and effective.
- Understanding your new role and responsibilities
- Strategies for managing friends, former peers, and people who have more experience than you
- Dealing with criticism and resentment from your team
- See yourself and be seen by others as a strong leader
- Avoid the common mistakes new managers make
- Build good relationships up, down, and across the organization
- Managing your time and priorities
- Create a motivating environment
- Help people get comfortable with change
Who should attend: Team Leads, Supervisors, New Managers, Aspiring Leaders
Lead by Example to Gain Respect, Influence, and Trust
Become the type of leader you would like to follow
Respect, influence, and trust are key to becoming a leader that others want to follow. If you want others to see you as a leader, you have to first see yourself as a leader. It starts by making a decision about how you want to be perceived and is reinforced by consistently demonstrating those traits.
- Discover the unintentional ways leaders lose the respect of their teams
- Manage the message you’re sending when you’re not saying a thing
- How to influence the perception others have of you
- Confirm congruency between your words and actions
- Understand 3 common leadership styles
- Gain clarity on which style to use in specific situations
- Flex your style to meet the needs of the people you lead
- Recognize the 5 levels of authority
- Ways to gain more authority
- How to empower others by giving more authority
Who should attend: All levels of management
Communicate for Results Up, Down, and Across the Organization
Get better results, make a bigger impact, and inspire others
Communication is a crucial skill for leadership success. This session focuses on enhancing your communication skills by improving self-awareness, overcoming barriers, improving listening, and managing meetings so you can get better results.
- Understand the communication process and common challenges
- The role of beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes when it comes to effective communication
- Get your point across clearly and assertively to gain the attention, support and respect of others
- The effects of non-verbal communication cues
- Assess your listening skills
- Strategies to get buy-in from employees
- Discover the difference between passive, assertive, and aggressive communication
- Provide clear work direction that ensures the job gets done right the first time
- Get more information by asking better questions
- 10 best practices for meeting management
- 9 tips for more effective one-on-one’s
Who should attend: All levels of management
Communicate Effectively with Your Co-Workers
It is possible to have a stronger, more efficient work team.
Wouldn’t it be nice if your colleagues had their needs written all over them? To understand exactly what they need in order to have the most effective interaction?
This course uses the Everything DiSC® Workplace Profile to gain a better understanding of your communication style and how it impacts your interactions with others. Everything DiSC® is an assessment that helps you build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles. Better employee communication means efficiency on both individual and company levels.
- Discover your DiSC® communication style
- Learn to other other communications styles
- Strategies for building better relationships
Who should attend: Anyone who wants to improve their communication skills
Communicate Like a Boss
Gain everyday leadership skills that produce real results
Communicating Like a Boss isn’t about being bossy, it’s about getting your point across confidently; gaining influence and respect; and getting other people to want to do the work they are supposed to do. Let’s face it, communication can be hard but if you’re in a leadership role this skill is non-negotiable. Good communication skills are the foundation to every aspect of managing and leading others. Building these skills requires tools and having the right tools makes communication easier and less stressful.
In this session, you will learn 5 best practices of effective communication and discover tools that will help you overcome everyday communication challenges so you can get better results, make a bigger impact, and be a positive influence on others. Actionable take-away’s:
- Connect every day activities to the company’s strategic initiatives
- Establish standards of excellence
- Give conflict-free feedback
- Develop high performers through effective delegation
- Motivate others to give their best
Who should attend: All levels of management
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Maintain a calm, cool, and confident presence even in difficult situations
Emotional intelligence is a leading indicator of success that results in more confidence; stronger teamwork; and good results for individuals, teams, and organizations. Emotionally intelligent leaders know how to sense, understand, and manage their emotions to improve decision making, performance, and overall engagement in the workplace.
- What emotional intelligence is and why it matters
- How emotional intelligence is tied to your success
- Understand how your reactions impact others
- Develop better self-awareness
- Methods for managing your emotions under pressure
- Use empathy to defuse emotions
- Improve your interactions with different personality types
- Build strong working relationships
Who should attend: All levels of management
Train, Coach, and Develop for High Performance
Take your training skills from good to great
Training, coaching, and developing your team takes time but it’s an investment that pays off with happier, more productive employees who will stick around longer. Set people up for success by providing a thorough training plan to ensure they get started on a positive note. Ongoing coaching empowers employees to become more effective, committed, and productive. Coaching is more than telling people what to do. It requires awareness, patience, and the ability to ask good questions to help people excel on the job.
- Keys to successfully onboard and train new team members
- Develop a training plan
- Identify and define clear job expectations
- Create a performance report
- Types of performance feedback
- Benefits of coaching and developing your team
- The 3 keys to a quality coaching conversation
- The biggest mistake leaders make when delivering feedback
- A 4-step formula for delivering effective feedback
- Address problem behaviors with confidence
- The importance of documenting both good and bad coaching conversations
Who should attend: Team Leads, Supervisors, Managers
Leading Drivers of Employee Motivation
Tap into the power of human nature to get the best from your team
Success in management depends on understanding what motivates people to do a good job. Demotivated employees produce lower quality work, complete less work, and are more likely to leave. Gain insight into how to motivate people to do their best work.
- Get people to want to do what they are supposed to do
- Understand motivational factors
- Conduct an employee motivation analysis
- Create a motivating work environment based on each employees need
- Ways managers unintentionally demotivate employees
- 5 common questions managers have about giving praise
- Learn the 3 keys to effective recognition
- Discover how often you should give recognition
- No-cost ideas for motivating people
- Make a habit of consistently motivating your team
Who should attend: All levels of management
Problem Solving & Critical Thinking
Gain skills that will improve your bottom-line results in only 4 short sessions
This is a 4-session Certificate Series. Over the course of the series, participants will use the tools to solve an actual on-the-job problem and come up with an implementation plan.
Successful organizations rely on leaders with problem solving and critical thinking skills who can identify and solve issues that are impacting the bottom-line. New technology, outdated processes, changing regulations, and customer demands require fast, smart action. Effective problem solving begins with a clear understanding of which problems are worth solving followed by a logical plan for implementation.
- Discover a 6-step problem-solving process
- How to spot problems or opportunities for improvement
- Identify which types of problems are worth solving
- Put a stop to recurring problems
- Find the root cause so you solve the problem instead of treating the symptom
- Problem-solving tools
- When and how to involve your team
- Best practices for generating ideas
- How to select the best solution to meet your needs
Who should attend: Supervisors and Managers
Managing Change that Sticks
Become a champion of change and help others embrace change
Organizations are evolving, innovating and changing more than ever before. Discover strategies to accept, support and successfully manage all stages of the change process for successful implementation that sticks. This course teaches you how to overcome resistance, communicate and encourage creativity and innovation during times of change.
- Recognize and define the four stages that everyone experiences when faced with change
- Understand what resistance to change and how to help staff get through it
- Learn how to recognize and manage stress and anxiety that come with change
- Lead by example and be a positive role model for change
- Assist employees in coping with change
- Encourage employees to be innovative and creative with change
Who should attend: All levels of management
Business Writing Basics for Professionals
Write powerful, professional emails that get attention and prompt action.
To be effective, a writer needs both a message that others want to hear and the mechanics to make it clear. To get the attention of your busy reader, you need the skills to write as concisely and clearly as possible. This course will show you how to combine a tactful message with the proper grammar so you can get great results and be seen as a credible professional.
- How to overcomer writer’s block
- Organize your message for clarity
- The 2 most important questions to ask yourself before you start to write
- 5 reasons for writing
- What you need to know about your reader
- Grab your readers attention from the very beginning
- Write a strong, action-oriented close that gets a response
- Grammar rules every business professional needs to know
- Best practices for editing and proofreading
Who should attend: Business professionals who want to improve their writing skills
Speak Like a Pro
Boost your career by getting comfortable with public speaking
Whether you’re speaking to a small group or the entire company, getting comfortable speaking in front of people is one of the best things you can do for your career. People who speak with poise and confidence are admired by their peers and are seen as high potential employees by upper management. Don’t let the fear of public speaking keep you from being seen as the competent professional that you are.
- Looking confident when you don’t feel confident
- What to do with your body
- Address your audience, not your slides
- Open with a bang
- Construct a strong close
- Techniques for developing your presentation
- Overcoming nervousness
- Handling tough questions
- How to be seen as a credible resource in front of your peers
- Keep your audience engaged and interested
Who should attend: Business professionals who want to feel more comfortable speaking in front of groups.
How to Organize & Manage Your Time
Get Focused So You Can Get the Results You Want
This workshop solves one of the most common issues faced by today’s busy professional… the mystery of the disappearing day. Every day the most well-intentioned people wake up ready to tackle their to-do lists but at the end of the day they don’t actually see the results they were hoping for and another day disappears. Even worse, they felt busy all day long yet they don’t have anything to show for it. They soon realize that busy doesn’t equal productive but they don’t know what to do about it.
What they are missing is a simple plan that is easy to stick to. In this course, you will learn strategies for getting a handle on your time:
- Begin with the end in mind
- Adopt the right mindset for success
- Create manageable, bite-size actions
- Prepare for the day with the dump, decide, do method
- Be single-focused
- Stop interruptions in their tracks
- Say “Yes” without stress, and “No” with confidence
Who should attend: Business professionals who want to use their time more efficiently and effectively.
Contact us to learn more.