Problem solving skills are highly valued in the workplace. There is no shortage of problems to be solved, from small problems to big problems and everything in between. Many people are good at finding problems but not as many want
Time Management Practices for Leaders
Time management is one of those concepts that many leaders agree is important but fewer put into practice. One reason is that leaders are so busy being busy they don’t make time to think about what’s important. Maximum productivity is
Are First-Time Managers Set Up to Fail?
The latest issue of Precast, Inc. magazine features an article on how to help first-time managers succeed and thrive. In the article, I share that clarity of responsibilities can help curb the 50-60% failure rate of first-time managers. Failure doesn’t
Are you open to some feedback?
Has anyone ever asked you if you were open to some feedback? If so, you were probably thinking ‘No.’ but what you actually said was ‘Sure.’ Then you braced yourself for the brilliant observation that was about to be shared
Employee Recognition That Gets Results
Over the last 5 years, I’ve had the privilege of training thousands of managers and we always talk about the importance of employee recognition. I always ask ‘Is there anyone here who thinks there is way too much appreciation going
Assertive Communication: Focus on Facts, Not Feelings
I was in Milwaukee recently working with a group of managers to develop assertive communication skills. We started by discussing the role personality plays into communication styles and everyone took an assessment. A personality assessment provides critical insight into your
Empowered Employees are Happy Employees
Empowered employees are happy employees? I believe it. The other day, I was talking with a guy I know who works as an attorney for a large healthcare organization. I asked him how his job was going and he said
Decision Making Secrets of Effective Leaders
Have you ever been in a situation where a boss made a decision and didn’t explain the reasons behind it even after being asked? If so, then you might understand the anger, frustration, and disgust my friend felt when his
The Answer: Set Expectations
The answer: expectations. The question: ‘How do I get people to do their job?’ This is the most common question I get at leadership development seminars. The answer is simple. Set clear job expectations and hold people accountable. A Gallup
Can I Be a Leader?
A woman in a leadership seminar I was teaching in Denver asked, ‘Can I be a leader?’ Great question. Are leaders born? Are they made? Generally speaking, leadership is a skill. That’s good news because it means leadership is open